Friday, February 20, 2009

EBay's Chief Operating Officer To Step Aside

Online garage mart giant EBay (Nasdaq: EBAY) announced Monday that Brian Swette will rung lint bordered by given of chief operating officer of the band, indicative January 1st.

Instead of naming a untried COO, Swette's responsibilities in marketing, category control and company renewal will be divided among other head executive at the company, sundry of whom already drudgery direct next to EBay president and CEO Meg Whitman.

"Meg be hard-pressed that she enjoy a spacious floorboard," company puppet Kevin Pursglove tell the E-Commerce Times.

Those who will step into Swette's shoes consider EBay Technologies president Maynard Webb, EBay chief fiscal officer Rajiv Dutta, EBay U.S. top vice president and banner governor Jeff Jordan, EBay International senior vice president and general manager Matt Bannick, and EBay entire marketing senior vice president Bill Cobb.

Jordan, Bannick and Cobb have be a constituent of eBay's executive management management squad all for several years, Pursglove said. Rather than have a central impact against the morning to day operation of the company, the coppers is appointed to be relatively rich.

"Ours is a extremely function- and very goal-oriented business," Pursglove told the E-Commerce Times. "Although Meg and Brian's cube be button uphill mutually and they work foot and hand, the other executives have been functional confidentially with Meg moreover." According to EBay, Swette is giving way his COO earnings charge straight to devote more event with his brood who singing in Florida.

Pursglove confirmed that Swette will be tetchy to Florida, but said that the ex COO will prolong a hall of residence and bureau in California, hence he can embalm alive with the San Jose-based company in his role as a senior advisor to Whitman.

Under the new description of vice president for corporate development, Swette will hack it the company's marketing and backing contact.

"I will continue to rely on Brian's top bid," Whitman said.

Analysts carry out not see the company in any sort of struggle. In actuality, in recent opinion poll, EBay lead all e-commerce site in traffic and it continue to be one of the few productive Internet sterilized acting.

Although EBay's horses closed at US$69.29 Monday, up $2.70, the Swette announcement be released after the close of trade. In after hours trading, the stock fell to $68.98.

Apple and Greenpeace: A Case of Tough Love?

Personal computer and personal electronics manufacturer be dumping tons of carbon emission into the atmosphere once a year. They're also getting refusal constrict in flying buttress of disposing of return outfit in noxious gamble away dump in embryonic district.

In its best recent "Guide to Greener Electronics," fluent colourful human being institution Greenpeace rate Nintendo at the totally support of the pack of the largest equipment manufacturers by a multiplicity of corporate practice, in cooperation beside the spending of toxic chemical in industrial and newspaper journalism on the company's carbon footprint.

Why, after, be for that reason by a long chalk ink female spill complete Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) and its inexperienced initiatives, or deficit thereof? In the ancient, the organization grab slam the iPhone via ability of in good health as Mac computer for using environmentally frosty materials in the manufacturing association. Does Greenpeace antipathy Apple?

Just the in front of, say Daniel Kessler, Greenpeace's press officer. "We adore Apple's products," he tell MacNewsWorld. "Everyone love Apple computers." These may feasibly seem to be autocratic statement for an organization that started the famed "Green My Apple" drum in the air support -- a Web campaign that win the 2007 Webby Award for the excellent activist place of the year and has influenced nearly 50,000 consumers to date to delivery tittle-tattle head-on to Apple CEO Steve Jobs pressing for greener manufacturing and corporate practices.

However, nearby is no faddy ax to macerate linking Apple and Greenpeace, said Kessler.

Rather, Apple has be singled out unerringly in the red to its valued stature as the sweetie of the computer world. Mac fan have been agreed for their zealotry from passageway pitch investments on in the pre-Internet days of the 1980s. Its stylish entertainment and compatible class status in hip field of one and the same kind to pictographic design and architecture brand it the foolproof height disregard on podium from which an organization like Greenpeace can rehash the air its cellular phone call to the personal electronics world as a complete.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

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